Middler’s Fall Gathering

Home of Dan and Kim Garey 510 Lower Bunker Hill Road, Birchwood, TN, United States

Chili bar / Smores / Bonfire / Fun See Kim Garey or Theresa Davis for more info

Fellowship Meal

Ooltewah Church of Christ 3206 Ooltewah Ringgold Road, Ooltewah, TN, United States

after morning services

Middlers Holiday Party

Home of Tim and Karen Arthur 59 Cherokee Gap, Ringgold, GA, United States

Please bring a dessert and/or appetizer Also bring a gift ($15 limit) if you wish to participate in the "Dirty Santa" game

Congregation Holiday Party

Ooltewah Church of Christ 3206 Ooltewah Ringgold Road, Ooltewah, TN, United States

Fellowship Pot Luck Dinner

Ooltewah Church of Christ 3206 Ooltewah Ringgold Road, Ooltewah, TN, United States

Middlers Fellowship

Ooltewah Church of Christ 3206 Ooltewah Ringgold Road, Ooltewah, TN, United States

Plans are to see the movie - The Chosen

Valentines / Sweetheart Dinner

Ooltewah Church of Christ 3206 Ooltewah Ringgold Road, Ooltewah, TN, United States

Spring Gospel Meeting

Ooltewah Church of Christ 3206 Ooltewah Ringgold Road, Ooltewah, TN, United States

Speaker: John Moore